Forge Ahead with a Valpo Degree
Take the next step in your career by joining our welcoming academic community that treats your success as our number one priority. Submit your application today with the following benefits:
- Waived test score requirement
- Priority admission decision
- Priority scholarship consideration
What doors will Valpo open for you? Find out and apply to earn your graduate certificate or master’s or doctoral degree.
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Get Started on Your Valpo Graduate Education
Whether you want to make the next move in your career or begin a new path altogether, Valparaiso University is the right place to get started on working toward the future you envision for yourself.
- Decorative image Discover Our Programs Pursue your graduate certificate or master’s or doctoral degree to achieve your goals. We offer programs in a variety of convenient modalities across in-demand fields, such as nursing, business administration, analytics, information technology, education, and sports administration. Learn more
- Decorative image See Why Valpo is the Right Choice for You We have everything you need to become everything you’re meant to be. From top-ranked degree programs to dedicated faculty to an encouraging academic environment, you’ll benefit from our high-touch approach to graduate education. Learn more
- Decorative image Receive an Affordable Graduate Degree Finding a program that’s just right for your career goals and your budget can be difficult, but Valpo is here to help! Our financial aid advisors will walk you through scholarships, internships, campus employment, and even federal loans that can offset the costs of your education. Learn more
We Want to Hear from You!
Reach out with any questions or concerns you may have and we’ll be happy to connect you with a graduate admissions specialist.